Parkside Folkfest 2006

Parkside Elementary School in Toronto is preparing for the annual Folkfest at East York Collegiate on Tuesday, May 16th at 6:15 p.m. (rain date: Thursday, May 18th).

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How Disappointing....

Folkfest has been postponed to the raindate (tomorrow).

We were all eagerly awaiting the start of Folkfest. Although the weather wasn't the best, the rain did hold off until about 3 p.m. yesterday. We even saw sunshine after lunch. Due to the torrential downpour that took place just around the time of the decision to "go" or "no go", it was decided to postpone the fest until Thursday.

Was it ever frustrating to see blue sky and sunshine right around 6:30 p.m. when Folkfest was due to start. The great weather continued through the rest of the evening. Let's hope on Thursday we see more sunny weather.